

純恩使團/團契乃一超宗派的福音機構。 開始於一九九二年五月,起初是一項向中學及專上學生佈道的事工。一九九六年發展成有查經及製作佈道錄音帶的福音工作。由於在製作佈道盒帶的事工上,得到弟兄姊妹出乎意外的熱烈支持,因此在一九九六年八月正式在加拿大溫哥華註冊成為合法之非牟利團體。發展至今已有溫哥華及愛民頓兩個辦公室作為傳福音據點。





團契所有出品均以 "非賣品"送出,一切版權、製作人力、製作費用均由參予的人奉獻。






(二)由一九九六年六月至今,我們已送出數以萬計的佈道盒帶及小冊子。( 從粗略的統計數字, 1999年至2004 送出的福音物資若有五萬多件, 每年平均為九千多件榮耀歸神 !求主使用這些福音工具領人歸主)它們的蹤跡遍及世界各地及一些鮮為人知的地方,使在中國本土及海外的華人也可得聞福音。



「我深信那在你們心裏動了善工的,必成全這工,直到耶穌基督的日子。」 腓立比書 1:6

 歡迎來電: (780) 485-5080 Edmonton
或 email email@pgef.org 索取任何佈道物資.

Our Brief History

The establishment of Pure Grace Evangelical Fellowship ("Pure Grace") can be dated back to May 1992. At its initial stage, the ministry of Pure Grace was focusing on the evangelistic ministry of preaching the gospel to high schools & college students.

In 1996, Pure grace expanded to include regular Bible Study groups and the mass production of various gospel tapes. These tapes have been distributed FREELY to people who have not believed in Jesus Christ. Our tape production works have received enthusiastic support from other Christian fellows which is beyond our expectation. With their significant financial support, Pure Grace has registered in B.C. as a non-profit Christian Organization in August 1996.

Our ministries are dividied into two parts:
1. Evangelistic Outreach
Everyday we have staff specialized in outreaching and following up non-believers who would not attend churches or cannot be reached by churches, so they can have a chance to hear the gospel and go to church.

2. Evangelistic materials
We provide not-for-sale evangelistic materials to Christians in churches so they can send them to their non-Christian relatives and friends.

Our Characteristics
1) Multi-faceted and adaptable
We have great flexibility in our ministry work according to the everyday changing society. We are ready to adjust and change our approaches so that we can make our messages relevant and contemporary to the unchurched people. However, the only thing that is never change is our ceaseless prayers and trust in the power of the Holy Spirit.

2) Integrated training
We do not only emphasize on technique. Instead, our emphasis is on fellowship members' relationship with the Lord, which is more important. "Heart is the wellspring of life." Therefore, compared with techniquem disciplining and builfing up close relationship with God should be put in the first place.

3) Non-commercialistic
All Pure Grace products are "NOT FOR SALE". Participants donate all copyrights, production labor and cost.

The Target Groups of our services
1) Layman Employer and Self-employed people
Layman employers and self-employed Christian can reach ut to different unchruched group because of their professions. Throughout their networking, the gospel materials can greatly expand to more people.

2) Mainline Non-Chinese Churches
Canada is a multicultural country. Our neighbors can be of any race. We provide our gospel materials to non-Chinese Christians so that they can share the gospel with their Chinese neighbors and friends.

3) Remote and/or Sub-urban areas
Through our many Christian fellows who have chances to work, study, visit relatives and join short-term mission teams to remote and/or sub-urban areas, our gospel materials are able to distribute to those areas. Some of those areas do not important to them.

4) Christians devoted to Evangelism
a)We help believers to directly participate in the evangelical ministry by providing training and forming gospel teams.
b)We help and support our fellows to establish Evangelistic Bible study groups at their homes. This encourages them to share the gospel with their Chinese neighbors.
c)We use different approaches to spread the gospel so that more believers can be involved in evangelical and follow-up works.

Fellowship's Development
1. We did not have any public promotion in the past, however, God has provided us abundantly. His providence enables us to develop our evangelistic ministry and expand our fellowship development.

2. From June 1996 up to present, we have distributed over ninety thousands of evangelistic booklets and tapes all over the world including some remote and unfamiliar places. (From 1999 to 2004, we distributed roughly more than fifty thousand pieces of gospel material, approximately nine thousand items each year on average. Praise the Lord! May the Lord use them to lead people to Him.) These materials have asisted many Chinese and overeas ; Chinese the chance to hear the Gospel.

3. The fellowship has two co-workers responsible for spreading the gospel, leading the evangelical team, practicing personal evangelistic ministry, producing evangelistic materials for other volunteer participants, and producing evangelical materials for new believers.

"Being confident of this very thing, that he which hatch begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ" Philippians 1: 6