

耶穌就用比喻說:「你們中間誰有一百隻羊失去一隻,不把這九十九隻撇在曠野,去找那失去的羊,直到找著呢?找著了,就歡歡喜喜地扛在肩上,回到家裡,就請朋友鄰舍來,對他們說:‘我失去的羊已經找著了,你們和我一同歡喜吧!’我告訴你們:一個罪人悔改,在天上也要這樣為他歡喜,較比為九十九個不用悔改的義人歡喜更大。」(路加福音 15 : 3 ~ 7)

見証:Peggy Dizon                                           

    When I was a kid, my family always went to Tai Po Baptist church. I had listened to many Bible stories from Sunday school and made many friends. After I finished kindergarten, my parents decided to move to Hong Kong Island because of it seemed to have better school system. Unfortunately, we didn't go to the church as often as before.

    When I turned 12, my parents divorced. My dad stopped going to church and I stopped believing in God. Things seemed to be so unfair to me. I always wondered why God gave me a broken family. I hated Him.

    In 1990, my dad decided to send me to Vancouver to study. From the time on, I became very independent. I loved the freedom and enjoyed spending a lot of time on entertainment. All my friends around me were doing the same. When one of my friends became very involved in Church, I even tried to stop him for going to the group gatherings.

    One day in November, 1996, my dad called me. He told me that he had a very rare type of cancer and needed radiotherapy and surgery right away. At the same time, his girlfriend left him. We couldn't tell this news to my grandmother because she was old and we didn't want her to worry. I called my mom and told her what happened to dad. She yelled at me on the phone saying that she wouldn't care. I was so worried at that time and was almost crying everyday. I couldn't go back to Hong Kong right away because it was very close to my final exam. When I tried to tell my friends about it, none of them cared. I felt like my world was collapsing and it was the toughest time in my whole life.

    One day in December, I felt exhausted. I didn't know what happened but I kneeled down and started praying. That was the longest prayer I ever had. I asked for God's forgiveness and to take care of my dad. I told God that I will never forget about Him and will start believing in Him again. I felt peace after praying and indeed, God heard my words. My dad's surgery and therapies all went well even though he had to suffer from nausea and pain. I told myself that I really have to go to church, but at that time, I didn't know where to start.

    Six years ago, I moved to Edmonton. When I first came here, I decided attending church to meet some people. However, I got attracted by the material world again and stopped going.

    After my daughter, Chloe, was born, I took her to the Alliance church for a few times. At that time my daughter was still a baby and I got to stay in the Church nursery room. It was very boring experience and of course, I stopped going once again. I still believed in God, but I was not motivated to keep attending church. I felt so bad and scolded at myself many times for not going back to church regularly. God helped me and my dad, however, I didn't do a thing in return of His love.

    In 2002, after my son, Ethan, was born, I went back to my obstetrician to have a checkup. During my pelvic exam, my OB removed a little cyst from me and I started bleeding. She thought it was normal and sent me back home. About an hour later, I called to the office saying that I was bleeding heavily. They sent me to the emergency right away. The doctors in the emergency couldn't stop my bleeding.

    All of a sudden, my OB rushed into my room and told me that I needed surgery right away. She was supposed to be in the office at that time. I knew something was wrong and it's very serious. I was so scared that I thought I would die and leave my husband and children behind. My husband and I started praying. God helped me again and my OB stopped the bleeding during the surgery. After the surgery, I told myself again that I really have to start taking my children to church and let them learn God's words. And once Chloe turns 3, I will start taking her to Sunday school.

    One day in September this year, I went to West Edmonton Mall with Chloe. When we were getting a hotdog at Orange Julius, Hetta (Pure Grace Evangelical Fellowship outreaching minister), came and approached me. She gave me a flyer telling me something about the Chinese Outreach gospel radio broadcast. Then we started talking and she asked if Chloe had attended any Sunday school. I said no because I don't want to stay in the nursery again with Ethan. Then she told me about a church that have attendants in the nursery. I knew it right away that I would have to take Chloe to the church.

    God never left me even though I abandoned Him so many times. In fact, He listens to me in all the time and helps me whenever I need Him. He even brought me back to the Church where I first went to 5 years ago. Now, all I have to do is to believe in Him and to follow His words.