Hi everyone, nice to see everyone again and meet new faces. Hope everyone had a wonderful 2022. I cannot believe it is already coming to an end.
In today’s thanksgiving gathering, I was asked to share what I was thankful for this year.
I am indefinitely thankful for having a healthy body, to be able to live in a heated home, have a job and watch my kids grow.
Emphasizing on being thankful for health, we know it is covid/flu/rsv virus season and everyone has been getting their round of getting sick.
Not to mention my family of 3 little kids it has been unavoidable. In the past three months, they have been taking turns getting sick. I did not realize that they could get sick that quickly after recovery and also get sick for that long. Last month when all three of them were in their regular rounds of getting sick, my husband Brian also caught on a fever. I thought it was the regular virus and germs that he may have gotten from the kids. But he also had some severe lower back pain. It seemed that the severe pain he could not tolerate. We thought it was his old back pains, or too much gas in his body. But it seemed severe when he was wailing so much and couldn’t drive. But we didn’t think too much of it, so he did some acupuncture and cupping.
Day three into the pains that he was getting, right on Black Friday night right before we were eating dinner. He told me he couldn’t stand it anymore, and needed to go to the hospital for the emergency. I was in a bit of shock, but after his reasoning it appeared he could be correct. He predicted he had appendicitis based on his symptoms so he wanted to check it out.
So he had to go with his dad to the emergency at 6pm while I stayed with the kids. We hugged him before he left, and that’s when tears started to stream. When one kid asked what happens if we don’t see daddy anymore? And one other said no we pray for him that he will recover! And the third one was clueless at what was going on, why are you guys crying.
And then in my head I thought, “ yes, what happens if Brian suddenly disappeared one day after today.” I was emotional for a bit, but Danielle was right. We should pray for daddy and trust in our God. And that’s when all the tears went dry. She constantly reminded everyone, God always healed me when I was sick, and God will heal dad for sure. My mother in law who is also a strong believer definitely assures us to trust in God and not to worry. We had much peace in our heart after we prayed.
And through continuous prayer, everything worked out. We found out he did not have appendicitis, but he had a big kidney stone and he had an infection. He still had to do surgery to get it out. We still had to wait for surgery time the next day but he was on painkillers. And the timing was good because my parents were available to help taking care of the kids. Everything was very smooth, because we relied on God.
Throughout this incident I thought back to when my dad was in the emergency when I was a kid. I remember my mom was crying a lot. I didn’t understand back then why she was crying so much. But after I was put in a similar incident I thought, “Wow, if I didn’t have God in my life, peace wouldn’t be in my heart the same way it is now.”
I am thankful for God’s everlasting love who always listens to our prayers and protects us with his unforeseen plans. He the almighty, yet forgiving God, who is patient and not critical to us.
今年我要特別爲我哋嘅健康感恩,因為我哋知道這段時候有流感呀、COVID、RSV virus, 個個都輪流去患病。咁當然我屋企有三個小朋友係避免唔到嘅。這三個月之內,佢哋輪流去病,咁連我老公都發埋燒。
老公發燒時,我以為佢係好似佢哋又感染咗佢哋嗰啲Virus , 係發燒咳啊!但係我老公有少少唔同,佢後來發燒之外,又有後腰痛。 我哋以為係舊患。但佢今次好似好嚴重,痛到連揸車都唔揸到啊。到11月廿幾號食飯之前,佢就突然之間同我講,話要去急症室醫院,頂唔順啦。佢話應該要去睇吓,佢覺得自己可能有盲腸炎,因為佢有發燒。
嗰晚佢就同佢爸爸去咗急症室晚上6:00出門口。我就同啲小朋友留低.。佢臨走之前我哋就每個人都擁抱爸爸。有個小朋友就問:「咁如果我哋之後見唔到爸爸咁點算呀?」第二個就話:「我哋可以為佢祈禱,咁佢會好返㗎嘛。」老三唔知發生咩事,只問:「你哋做咩喊呀?」咁之後,我就諗:「係喎!如果我老公突然之間,有一日唔會再存在感會點呀?」咁我又有淚水啦!二女就話:「我哋應該為爸爸祈禱,之後信任我哋嘅神。trust in God guys.」佢講呢句提醒我,點解要咁緊張呢? 神會有佢嘅安排!二女又同哥哥講:「神成日醫好我病。我不停祈禱神,神又回應我。神一定會醫好爸爸。」
經過禱告,我哋有好大嘅平安,又經過好多人嘅祈禱,老公嘅病患順利得到醫治。 佢發現原來唔係盲腸炎,係有粒好大嘅腎石發炎,所以佢要做手術去除它。我們雖然唔知等候手術時間要幾耐、但神安排好我哋屋企人,可以睇住小朋友。手術安排得好快,又好順利,一切都係神安排好。